The Church of Christ Brussels is well pleased to welcome you to our website.
We are a congregation of Christians trying to be just what the followers of Christ were in New Testament times.(1st Thess. 1:5-6).
We are subject to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, who is “the head over all things to the church which is His body.” (Eph.1;22-23;5:24).
And since we are only subject to the authority of Christ our Lord, everything we do either in worship or in service is In His name alone.
(Mat.28:18; Col.3:17).
We have no creed but Christ and His Word – the New Testament.(Mat.16:16-17).
We hold firmly to God’s command not to add or take away from the inspired Scriptures; or teach any other Gospel.
(Rev.22:18-19; Deut.4:2; Gal.1:6-9). So we speak where the Bible speaks and silent where it is silent.
We teach the plan of salvation just as the apostles taught, viz:
Hear the Gospel. (Rom.10.17); Believe in Christ Jesus.(John 8:24; Heb.11:6). Repent (Luke 13:3; Acts 2:38).